Here are some policy updates that I've run across. There is an initiative to support Accessory Dwelling Units, which are converted garage is or other small housing units. I think this would be a great way to develop a space with multiple units.
View the petition and more information here:
View the petition and more information here:
From: Ira Belgrade
Dear Friend/Neighbor/Fellow Accessory Dwelling Unit Supporter,
Please click on the link below and sign the petition to support AB 2299 and SB 1069, two state bills that when combined can finally help make unpermitted garage dwelling unit conversions legal and safe in Los Angeles and the entire State of California. Info is attached if you want to read more. Please forward this email and say it out loud: Yes In My Back Yard! I WANT MY ADU!
"The City of Los Angeles is in a housing crisis with an extreme shortage of housing. Recently, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to support Accessory Dwelling Units (a.k.a. Backyard Homes, Garage Conversions, Guest Houses, Secondary Dwelling Units, or Grannyflats) and find ways to permit existing unpermitted units. The only way to fully accomplish that goal is to eliminate setback requirements for existing ADU's and covered parking requirements for the main house when an existing garage is converted to an ADU. Two state bills, AB 2299 and SB 1069 together can help Los Angeles accomplish that goal. AB 2299 makes existing state law regarding ADU's mandatory statewide and SB 1069 eases zoning code restrictions like setback requirements, covered parking requirements for the main house when an existing garage is converted to an ADU and sprinkler requirements for the ADU if none exist already in the main house. Homeowners who need room for changing families or income to manage economic difficulties often add illegal second units and these two state bills can help people make them SAFE and LEGAL! This petition is being sent to the offices of Assemblymember Richard Bloom and State Senator Bob Wieckowski, the authors of AB 2299 and SB 1069. By signing this petition you are saying YES to eliminating ALL setback requirements for existing structures when they comply with Building and Safety standards; you are saying YES to eliminating ALL covered parking requirements for a main house when an existing garage is converted to an Accessory Dwelling Unit; you are saying YES to municipalities doing everything they can to HELP homeowners have their ADU's; you are saying Yes In My Back Yard! I WANT MY ADU!"