January 30 outreach meeting

Help spread the word!  This meeting will be a place for new members to get to know the group, and to continue the discussion about planning an intentional community.  

Interested in housing co-op buildings, cohousing, or intentional communities?

Join “At Home,” an interest group for planning a housing community

Next meeting:  January 30, 2016, at 12-2pm
2901 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica - outdoor patio

We are reaching out to people who are interested in this concept of a neighborhood that is community-centered housing.  We envision a community that would allow us to be healthy, garden, do activities together, and have an affordable and secure place to live.

Outdoor patio at 2901 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405 plaza. There is food available from Starbucks, Yogurtland, Crimson Grill, and more.  Family members, children, and pets welcome.

Transit: Big Blue Bus route 8.  Free parking in lot behind the plaza, and underground level.